To help you make a good decision about whether to sign up for the program Master Barber Version 2, we want you to know that, according to the latest information.
- 100% or 9 of the 9 students in this program scheduled to graduate in 2017 went on to graduate.
- 00% or 0 of the 9 students scheduled to graduate in that year have not reached 150% and are still attending.
- 100% or 9 of the 9 students scheduled to graduate in that year have found jobs in the industry.
- 100% or 9 of the 9 students of this program taking the state board exam in 2017 passed that examination.
We have been told by 0 of the students that were scheduled to graduate in that year that, even though they graduated, they decided not to look for a job in that occupation. Also, 0 of that year's graduates have not responded to our job placement questionaire, so we do not know whether they have found jobs or not.